Friday, February 25, 2011

Campbell Hall Kids Help Feed the Hungry - North Hollywood-Toluca Lake, CA Patch

On a blazingly sunny afternoon last week, in the parking lot of Temple Beth Hillel, about 30 third-graders from Campbell Hall School set about packing 100 food bags for the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry, a charity Patch has reported on many times.

This day was the culmination of a weeklong, schoolwide food drive, during which the kids collected nearly 800 pounds of groceries.

The students were from the school's Roots and Shoots troop, the Earth Savers.

“We’ve done a food drive every year,” said Jan Weiss, co-leader of the Earth Savers. “Our group…started in first grade. So this group of 8- and 9-year-olds have been very busy the last three years.”

Roots and Shoots is the youth program of the Jane Goodall Institute, with thousands of members all over the world. The organization is devoted to doing community service, preserving the environment and learning about animals.

The dedicated activists in the Earth Savers troop participate every week in a project designed to make the world a better place.


Campbell Hall Kids Help Feed the Hungry - North Hollywood-Toluca Lake, CA Patch

Tuesday, February 22, 2011



URGENT: Action is Needed by 6pm on 2/22 to Ban the Sale of Fur in West Hollywood!

Last Chance for Animals has been working with fellow animal advocates on the  
Fur-Free WeHo Campaign. There have been four rallies now, all held on Saturday's in West Hollywood. The success of this campaign is undeniable; support from the city and it's lawmakers is pouring in. However, there is a West Hollywood Council Member, Lindsey Horvath, who opposes this campaign.

Council Member Horvath is instead trying to put forth an item on the city council's agenda to have West Hollywood become the first city to implement the Truth in Fur Labeling Act, which was signed into federal law in December 2010. The Truth in Fur Labeling Act closed a loophole which let clothing garments priced under $150 go unlabeled as to whether it was faux for or animal fur. What Horvath is doing is wasting tax payers money and trying to appease the fur industry with a piece of legislation that is worthless. The Truth in Fur Labeling Act will go into affect on March 18, 2011 no matter what, that is fact! While Last Chance for Animals supports the new Federal Truth in Fur labeling Act, it's distressing to hear that Ms. Horvath would consider promoting the sale of fur, however labeled, as "Animal-Friendly", it is not. Clearly skinning an animal alive cannot ever be considered humane or "animal-friendly". Ms. Horvath needs to be encouraged to join others on the West Hollywood City Council to ban the sale of fur! It is disappointing that in response to an invitation to help end the cruelty of the fur trade that Ms. Horvath has decided to spend city resources to promote the fur trade rather then end it.  

Ms. Horvath stated that her item on the agenda (2.S.) is a "proactive way to protect animals while helping our business community come into compliance with this law". All Horvath is doing is wasting time and hindering Fur-Free WeHo's Campaign to BAN the sale of fur in the city entirely. Her proposed item would do nothing to protect animals, it would only protects furriers. Council Member Horvath is the lone voice on the city council not to support a ban on fur in the city. Last Chance for Animals cannot stand by and let her claim to protect animals by shielding furriers from prosecution under the new Federal Law. 

Tell the City Council NOT to Support the Cruel Fur Trade.  
Ban the Sale of Fur- Period!

  • Call (323) 848-6400 and ask for Council member Lindsey Horvath's office. Politely inform her it's NOT OK to skin animals alive for their fur! Ask her to support the BAN on the sale of fur in West Hollywood.
  •  Email Tom West- West Hollywood City Clerk for distribution to all council offices subject line: NO on 2.S.   
  • And/or email the Council Members directly  Mayor John Heilman    John Duran     Abbe Land    Jeff Prang   Lindsey Horvath

For the Animals,

Campaigns Department
Last Chance for Animals

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Say No To Animal Cruelty - Say No To Shark Fin Soup!

WildAid PSA - Yao Ming 姚明 : Shark Fin Soup

Saving Forests Worldwide ... For Life

A forest is a community of trees. Through reforestation and afforestation, together we can restore and restock areas of forests and woodlands.
Plant It Together! Planet Together! A Global Effort ...
For people, animals, and our earth.

Recently I posted the 'Save Our Forests'  Petition - by 38 Degrees and after I received so many inquiries from people asking how to join in petitions of from other countries - so many inquiries I realized this was an issue, so I wrote the 38 Degrees team requesting more information. Their response letter is below.

Soon people will be able to join in a petition campaign for any location in the world, from anywhere, and support in the resolution of that issue.. I think global efforts are needed for solutions to many of the important environmental and health issues in the world.

Let's save forests worldwide. By doing so we'll be ensuring the health and protection of many generations of people and animals to come.

Spiny forest at Ifaty, Madagascar, featuring various Adansonia (baobab) species, Alluaudia procera (Madagascar ocotillo) and other vegetation.
Trees on a mountain in northern Utah during early autumn.

Below is the response letter from 38 Degrees. And, ...I just heard the Save Our Forests campaign was a success, another victory for earth!


Re: Your message to 38 Degrees

"Dear Natalie,

Unfortunately, we can only take names from those that are based in the UK at this time.

However, you obviously feel very passionately about this, so I would recommend you and others in your situation contact your UK-based friends and family, and ask them to sign up to our campaign, to get your voice heard.

If you are interested in campaigning at a global level, Avaaz ( is a global organisation based on similar principles to 38 Degrees.

Unfortunately, we can only take names from those that are based in the UK at this time.
However, you obviously feel very passionately about this, so I would recommend you and others in your situation contact your UK-based friends and family, and ask them to sign up to our campaign, to get your voice heard.

If you are interested in campaigning at a global level, Avaaz ( is a global organisation based on similar principles to 38 Degrees.

Thanks for taking the time to get in touch,

Martin and the 38degrees team."

 Victory! Government to scrap plans to sell our forests
"Over half a million of us should feel very proud of what we’ve achieved together. Let’s keep watching but also celebrate what we’ve done!"   

 Thanks again to Martin and the 39 Degrees team!  
Its a great time now for change, with the internet people cam already  (in many ways) unite-globally in online actions and efforts to help people, animal and earth...Eventually, there will be less walls, then people will truly be able to work together to solve worldwide problems, from anywhere .. for any place, for anyone.


Get Involved!



A forest (also called a wood, woodland, wold, weald, holt, frith, or firth) is an area with a high density of trees. There are many definitions for forest, based on the various criteria.
These plant communities cover approximately 9.4% of the Earth's surface (or 30% of total land area), though they once covered much more (about 50% of total land area),

in many different regions and function as habitats for organisms, hydrologic flow modulators, and soil conservers, constituting one of the most important aspects of the Earth's biosphere. (

Anthropogenic factors that can affect forests include logging, urban sprawl, human-caused forest fires, acid rain, invasive species, and the slash and burn practices of swidden agriculture or shifting cultivation. The loss and re-growth of forest leads to a distinction between two broad types of forest, primary or old-growth forest and secondary forest. There are also many natural factors that can cause changes in forests over time including forest fires, insects, diseases, weather, competition between species, etc. In 1997, the World Resources Institute recorded that only 20% of the world's original forests remained in large intact tracts of undisturbed forest.[8] More than 75% of these intact forests lie in three countries - the Boreal forests of Russia and Canada and the rainforest of Brazil. In 2006 this information on intact forests was updated using latest available satellite imagery. (


Reforestation is the restocking of existing forests and woodlands which have been depleted, an effect of deforestation. Reforestation can be used to improve the quality of human life by soaking up pollution and dust from the air, rebuild natural habitats and ecosystems, mitigate global warming since forests facilitate biosequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and harvest for resources, particularly timber.
The term reforestation is similar to afforestation, the process of restoring and recreating areas of woodlands or forests that may have existed long ago but were deforested or otherwise removed at some point in the past.

Mixed deciduous forest in Stara Planina, Serbia.
Forest near Rajgir, Bihar, India
Rainforest in Tasmania's Hellyer Gorge.
A conifer forest in the Swiss Alps (National Park).
Swiss National Park

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fellowship of the Whales | Nature | PBS Video

Fellowship of the Whales | Nature | PBS Video

VIDEO: A Thank-You Message from Captain Watson - Sea Shepherd

VIDEO: A Thank-You Message From Captain Watson
42 secs ago

A Thank-You Message from Captain Watson Thank-you. We did it!

From both a medium- and long-term perspective, Japan should improve its protection of marine resources to a level meeting international standards. Japan has come under mounting criticism from the international community not only over its whaling program but also over tuna fishing. In order to avoid unjustifiable criticism from overseas, Japan should improve its whole policy on marine resource protection.

-- The Mainichi Daily News
February 19, 2011

Today we celebrate with you a victory for the oceans! Sea Shepherd has turned the tide and provoked a debate in Japan about whaling.

Five years ago the average Japanese citizen gave little thought to Japan's whaling program in the Southern Ocean. Nor did they think much about the slaughter of the dolphins in Taiji or the fact that Japanese demand for bluefin tuna has brought this species to the brink of extinction.

Sea Shepherd has changed all that through years of patient, focused, and determined actions to defend marine species from plankton to the great whales...

read more ...

A Thank-You Message from Captain Watson - Sea Shepherd

Whales Weep Not! - Sea Shepherd

Whales Weep Not!

It’s Time for the Whaling Industry to Weep Instead

Let’s Abolish Whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary Forever

"There's no way we can outrun the Sea Shepherd boats!" – Fishery’s Agency Officials

Officials of the Fisheries Agency’s Far Seas Fisheries Division quoted a phone call from the Nisshin Maru in the Antarctic Ocean on February 11th. The 8,044-ton Nisshin Maru is the mother ship of the research whaling fleet.

The largest newspaper in Japan had the courage to say what must be said in Japan – whaling is over in the Southern Ocean! It is a pathetic dying industry on the life support system of government subsidies – a glorified welfare operation that has no place in the world of the 21st Century. It’s time to retire the harpoons and to bring peace to the Southern Ocean.

Whales Weep Not! - Sea Shepherd